Raise your hand if you can’t remember what joy feels like. It’s been a minute, right?! With all that’s happening in the world right now, joy can be an elusive emotion. But it’s so important, it’s what keeps us inspired, it motivates us and it carries over into the work we do for clients. Summer is here so this feels like the perfect time for us to share some quick tips to find more joy during our day.
Surrender. There’s only so much we can control. We have to learn to let it go sometimes and be okay with things not being perfect all the time if the task in hand is out of our control. We’re still dealing with so much uncertainty and change. It feels relentless and never ending. When we resist what we’re facing, we get stuck, we can’t move forward and this creates a feeling of languishing. Surrender is not the same as giving up or quitting. It’s acknowledging that if you keep on trying to do the same things and expect a different outcome, you will never advance, grow or learn. So, we say, wave the white flag. Ask for help. Take a personal day. Indulge in self-care (whatever that means for you).
Take a moment for gratitude. When we’re slogging away, we can quickly fall down the rabbit hole of negativity. To snap ourselves out of it, we have to switch up our perspective. We count our blessings. It can help to write down the 3-5 things you feel grateful for each day to remind you of all the good in your life.
Celebrate “small” wins. Who doesn’t love reaching a milestone (for example that long awaited promotion) or achieving a major client success (front page article in The Financial Times)? But, let’s not forget about the joy that can come from the “smaller” things like securing an interview for your client with a top tier journalist in their industry or coordinating a successful media event. Even logging off before 6pm or taking that Friday as a personal day so you can visit friends count as “small” wins to celebrate. These are the kind of things that can give us a boost of joy and keep us going.
Get outside. Step away from your computer or device more often. Take a walk. Ride a bike. Open a window. If you’re not near trees and grass, a new houseplant on your window sill can remind you of nature and a bigger world out there.
We’ve found that taking more breaks and time to pause has been good for our souls. We try to give ourselves the space and grace to continue processing all we’ve been through collectively and personally. We know it’s A LOT! So, we lean into things that make us happy—the sound of laughter, a hug from a faraway friend, a great success for a client. Joy is still out there. We may have to work harder to find it, but it’s worth it. Don’t you think?
If you feel like you are overwhelmed with stress and anxiety and need extra support, there are numerous organisations that can help: Mind, Mental health – NHS, Mental Health Foundation.