2023: The glass is half full

As we close out yet another year of uncertainty and change, we want to thank our valued clients for their continued confidence in us as their b2b tech PR and AR agency partner. The past two years have tested us in many ways. There has been plenty of stormy gloom, but the light has been cracking through. We’ve strengthened our resilience and found new ways to work together

And, we’re finally starting to see the light at the end of the proverbial tunnel. 2023 gives us hope. We are optimistic that if we can keep going, we can make it through to the other side and hopefully put the Covid years behind us. Yes, we said it, because we believe we’re on the cusp of it being a real truth. 

What makes us hopeful? Whilst there’s been some contraction in the technology sector, we believe it’s only going to make b2b companies stronger in the end. For b2b tech PR programmes, we are seeing a return to the fundamentals—strategy, planning, follow through. We are working with our clients to support them with thought leadership and creating an authentic brand and voice.

We are relying on credibility built with both earned and owned media and we are counselling our clients to tell stories that are meaningful and talk to their value in the marketplace and the world at large. We’re asking them questions like: What are you doing to make a difference? Why are you a good partner to work with? How are you taking care of your employees and customers? 

We’re more mindful of what matters these days in work and life, and this is a good thing. We know there will be more change and likely uncertainty too, this is reality as we continue to find our way. But we look forward to 2023 with excitement and are energised at the prospect of a new year—a new beginning. 

We are grateful to all of you for your partnership and we wish you a wonderful holiday season and a bright and happy 2023.