b2b content creation: How to keep it fresh

One of the biggest challenges facing PR pros and marketers is how to keep content fresh so that it appeals to the media and target audiences.

Here are some top tips on how to freshen up content:

Plug into Hot Topics: News jumping or news jacking is one of the best ways to keep your content current. Take a look at your key messages and active marketing campaigns as well as topics your subject matter experts are well-versed in and then ask yourself, could you connect it to what’s happening in the world right now? For example, ransomware and cyberattacks continue to be a hot topic as the one-year anniversary of WannaCry recently passed. There’s a renewed news cycle about what companies learned from the WannaCry experience and what can be done to prepare, respond to and increase their security efforts to protect technology assets.

Make a Seasonal Connection: Think creatively about how you can tie your content themes to the current season. People enjoy reading information that’s current and relatable so if you can make a connection to them, and the season or date, you’ll be better able to engage more with your readers. For example, take the recent World Cup 2018 – could there have been an opportunity to connect what you do to it? Mobile carriers could have provided data about how much texting happened during certain matches or a retail company could have shared the number of team kits (jerseys) sold per country.

Share Expertise with an Educational Focus:  All too often content creators turn valuable communication vehicles like blogs and other mediums into a sales promo and miss the opportunity to highlight the value of what their own industry experts can share with their audience. When you approach content creation from the standpoint of helping your audience better understand the value of working with your company, it results in increased credibility and establishes trust.

Sharing useful tips, creating guidebooks and dispensing advice on how to address problems or pain points are incredibly helpful to your audiences and more likely to appeal to the media as they aren’t a blatant sales promotion. Can you turn your latest ebook into a guide to addressing a market need rather than promoting the latest, greatest product in your portfolio? It could then become a valuable tool for your PR team to secure media opportunities for your industry experts to be quoted as credible sources about this topic.

Just like strawberries always taste best when they’re fresh and in-season, your content will resonate and be more effective if people can connect what you’re doing in the marketplace with what is of interest to them both personally and professionally.

We’d welcome the opportunity to help you generate fresh, engaging b2b content creation. Please contact TechComms, a b2b tech marketing and communications agency on + 44 (0) 203 322 8928.

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