How to align b2b tech PR to 2019 marketing trends

In summer 2019, Forbes published a great article written by John Hall, CEO of Influence & Co. detailing the five marketing trends to pay attention to in 2019. As we welcome 2019, here’s our take on how b2b tech PR can complement a 2019 marketing strategy that embraces these trends.

Build Trust.  PR content has to communicate value to the audiences you are targeting. This is where thought leadership becomes incredibly important. PR communication has to go beyond the press release to resonate with the media, your customers and your prospects. In addition to establishing a strong thought leadership platform, it’s important to build relationships with key industry influencers. They are trusted sources and the audiences following these influencers are doing so for their point of view and unbiased thoughts. Having their support will go a long way towards creating trust with your audiences. Your PR team can help you find the right set of influencers to support your goals. For further reading, check out our blog about how to build a thought leadership programme here. 

Embrace Creativity.  Everyone is vying for attention and people are becoming more and more overloaded with information. Your PR content has to stand out in a distinct way just like your marketing communications. It needs to be memorable and bold to make an impression. For example, arranging a PR event in tandem with a marketing campaign roll-out or creating a digital, viral PR campaign to support a product launch.

Collaboration is Critical. To be successful, PR needs a seat at the marketing table and vice versa. We need access and quick responses from your internal team when we secure media opportunities and are creating contributed articles. If there are a lot of hoops to jump through in your organisation, no one can be effective at getting the job done. Collaboration with the key stakeholders is paramount to our collective success. So let’s work together to break down any barriers before the New Year begins to ensure we keep things moving.

Speak in the Language of your Target Audiences.  We recommend this to clients all the time. Overly technical and jargon-filled language in your communication materials, including your website, marketing and PR content, is not going to be well-received Your PR team can help craft copy that is simple, straightforward and delivers your messages to communicate the value of your solutions and services that will appeal to your audiences more effectively.

Authenticity. 2019 is the year to get back to some basics when it comes to building and nurturing relationships with your customers/prospects and ultimately, your media targets. Show them that you prioritise providing an exceptional customer experience above everything else. The personal touch and the details matter in a tech-driven, increasingly faceless world. Can you communicate digitally? Of course, but personal contact – whether that’s a phone interview with a reporter or a press event with your customers (clients) will go a long way in helping you to stand out from your competitors. And if your PR content isn’t authentic in tone and purpose, it’s time to review and revise your approach. We can help!

The TechComms UK team is excited for 2019 and ready to help you build a b2b tech PR programme that keeps you top of mind with the audiences you target. Let’s get started. Please contact TechComms, a b2b tech marketing and communications agency on + 44 (0) 203 322 8928.

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