Back to Basics: 3 ways to lean on PR during times of crisis

What does it mean to really be there for a client? At TechComms, we pride ourselves on stepping up, stepping in and stepping with our clients in times of triumph and times of challenge. As we’re currently in a particularly challenging time, we are rethinking what it means to be there for the companies we’re fortunate enough to call our partners. None of us have ever done this before and that’s where this all starts. We have to figure out a new approach, a better way to communicate and help companies navigate an entirely new reality. The themes that are rising to the top right now are not new, but they do require commitment and courage.

Here are our thoughts about how to reset your b2b tech PR/communications strategy in a way that will resonate with employees, customers/clients, investors and the general public.

Get back to the heart of it. What’s at the core of what you do? Have you veered from your primary mission? Are you questioning the very premise you’ve built your success on? Is it time to pivot? Are your employees more motivated and productive when they know you’re focused on helping and contributing to society versus selling to make a profit? Today’s customers want to work with and support businesses that have a bigger cause than themselves. Asking the hard questions and taking a good long look at the strategic path you’re on is important as you determine how to move forward. What do you stand for? What do you stand up for? It’s time to use our voices for good and weave the bigger purpose of what we do into our messaging. It’s not about pushing out a message, it’s about engaging in a meaningful way.

Authenticity is more important. Yes, this word may be getting overplayed, but there’s a reason for it. Clearly communicating with audiences and saying what you mean – and doing what you say – is essential for building trust. We have to strip away the jargon and the fluff and get to what matters: How can your product help solve a serious problem or innovate an industry for the better? What are you doing that’s for the greater good? Can you answer this question in a compelling and authentic way?

Focus on building trust. The global pandemic has altered the way we work and live. There are new rules and guidelines to keep all of us safe. Your employees and customers need to know about all of the measures you are taking to ensure their health and well-being are protected. This requires more frequent and clearer communication. Don’t make it difficult for people to find the information about how you’re responding to and addressing current and evolving guidelines. Policies and procedures need to be in place and adhered to so that customers and clients know they can trust you to have their best interests at heart. Be clear, concise and committed to strengthen this trust.

As a final note, we’ve all been through an extremely trying and traumatic time and we need extra patience, compassion and above all a good dose of kindness and empathy. It’s important we keep perspective about what others may be experiencing and in our eagerness to ‘get back to normal’ that we don’t veer towards being tone-deaf to the new realities we all are facing and adapting to. We could all give more and take less as we find a new way forward.

We are so grateful for our clients and their continued support. We are steadfast in our commitment to helping you tell the stories you need to tell to your audiences and to do it in a way that communicates clearly and authentically with them. Please reach out if you need anything at all. We’re here for you.