A b2b tech PR perspective on 5G Networks

5G is set to revolutionise the future of communications. With speeds 10 times faster than 4G, lightning-speed access to incredible amounts of information and ‘smart everything’ is predicted to be the norm.

For companies in the telecom arena, many have already launched 5G networks with 5G mobile devices now available from Samsung.

The biggest implications of 5G are as follows:

IoT: 5G will bring with it the infrastructure to connect billions of devices to the internet. Industries like retail and healthcare will benefit greatly from this technology, increasing their ability to provide an even better customer/patient experience.

Automation: Due to the fact that 5G offers latency rates of under a millisecond, it’s much better suited to support applications. For example, those needed to create a smart city requiring connection to critical data that needs an extremely rapid response.

Remote working: With exceptional data transfer speeds, communications from anywhere at any time are supported more efficiently, paving the way for more collaboration and increased productivity. Will 5G help usher in a new era of work as we continue to shift to new realities that demand both flexibility and social distancing?

Virtual and augmented reality: Mobile video will reach new levels of accessibility with 5G. Live events will now have a virtual/augmented reality extension changing how we enjoy concerts, sporting events and so much more. This may become even more important as events have to change how they bring people together.

At TechComms, we’re fortunate to work with some of the world’s brightest minds in the telco space and are excited to be on the leading-edge of building and executing b2b tech PR strategies that help them tap into the enormous potential of 5G. Please contact TechComms, the b2b tech marketing and communications agency on + 44 (0) 203 322 8928.