A great resolution for 2023: Start that blog!

With 2022 firmly in the rear-view mirror and 2023 beginning to take shape, we’re taking some time to reflect, get organised and confirm our goals for 2023. A few years ago, we set a goal to start a blog and be consistent about posting content to it. And, we’re proud to say we have accomplished this. Sunday 19th February marks four years since we launched the TechComms blog and we have every intention of continuing to invest time and energy into keeping our blog going.

Not only is our blog a great way for us to share best practices with our clients, it’s been instrumental in establishing us as a leading b2b tech pr agency. The content we include is always aimed to inform, but it also shares an inside look into our culture, values and focus areas. And, this is why we tell our clients to blog.

A blog is an essential element to any good PR strategy and is vital for creating lasting b2b brand awareness. We always counsel our clients to start one (if they don’t have it already) and/or to invest more time, energy and attention into building its presence. Having a blog can be a valuable connection channel with employees, customers, investors, the analyst community and the general public. The other advice we offer is to move the blog into the top navigation. Don’t hide it or bury it on your website. Give it a spotlight. The blog needs a place of prominence so that your key audiences can access your blog easily. And then promote it on social media, including LinkedIn. Your blog creates connection while educating about what you do, why you matter and what you’re doing to make the world a better place.

For more information about the power of a well-executed blog, read our tips on how to write a great blog post.

We’d love to help you build your blog strategy. Please contact TechComms, a b2b tech marketing and communications agency on + 44 (0) 203 322 8928 for more information.