How to maximise b2b tech PR outreach at MWC 2023

We’re excited about  MWC Barcelona (27 February-2 March) this year. We love the energy of this event. It never disappoints in terms of content or connections! Once again, we will be working with our b2b tech clients to arrange media interviews and announce news during MWC. 

Here are 3 tips for maximising your PR presence.

Develop an event plan. Reach out to your PR agency team and discuss what you’ll be announcing, demonstrating and discussing at MWC. Involve us as early as you can so that we can help put in place a strategy that’s designed to garner the most media coverage and promote that your company will be at the event on social channels. This could include:  Setting up briefings with industry analysts to get their input on what you’re planning to announce. Creating a social media plan with a cadence of social posts that lead up to MWC. We can also help draft your event press release so that it’s finalised well in advance of its release date. The embargoed (the news release is shared a week or two in advance with journalists who agree to not report your news until it’s announced at MWC) press release can be a key asset for helping us to secure media briefings.   

Arrange pre-briefings before MWC begins. This is something the TechComms team does with great success. Since reporters and analysts are typically busy at the actual event with many commitments and networking type of events to attend, their time is short and limited. We’ve found that when we suggest meeting the week prior via conference call or even the day before the event begins (as many arrive a few hours before the show floor opens) can make for a more meaningful and relaxed discussion. Many are grateful for us to respect their time and not bombard them with requests to meet at the booth. We can also tell you that it makes them more likely to pop by your booth. Not for a formal meeting, but a quick hello that can lead to a more established connection down the road. 

Keep meetings at your booth (or designated meeting room) short. If you are doing reporter/analyst briefings on the show floor, we recommend a 30-minutes or less time limit. And, stick to it! They need time to get to their next meeting and will appreciate you respecting their time. Face-to-face meetings at industry conferences like MWC are invaluable. There’s no replacement for making a IRL connection with a reporter/analyst that covers your industry. It can be carried forward to future briefings where you’re starting from a place of knowing each other versus a first introduction. This can also establish a rapport that encourages a reporter/analyst to reach out to you directly when they’re working on a story/report that features what your company does. 

If you’ll be attending MWC Barcelona 2023, we’d love to help you with your b2b tech pr strategy. Please contact TechComms, a b2b tech marketing and communications agency on + 44 (0) 203 322 8928.