The lingering effects of 2020 on b2b media relations

While we’re ecstatic to have 2020 in the rearview, the reality is that its aftershocks will be felt for a long time to come. For PR pros focused on b2b, we know this all too well. The media in every industry has been all consumed with world headlines and it’s been harder than ever to cut through and just talk tech. What this means is that we need to be more creative and counsel clients to pivot storytelling to meet this moment.

With this in mind, here are some tips that could help cut through the clutter and keep your brand relevant.

Do the work. Reporters are strapped for time and content. Craft a pitch that goes beyond product features and shows the value it can deliver. For example, a workplace app that helps a HR team safely bring employees back to the office while protecting their privacy is much more appealing than focusing on its encrypted, blockchain back end. Elevate product stories that fit into the national narrative and the problems businesses need to solve right now.

Be intentional. There’s a lot of community uncertainty and multiple social justice movements happening all at once. Is it appropriate to weigh in on these topics? If yes, b2b tech PR can help you do it with compassion and a focus on spreading goodwill in order to avoid any potential backlash. This is trickier than it looks and requires strategic and careful thought to execute it successfully. That said, tech companies find themselves in a moment of self-reflection about the role they play in our world and taking responsibility and issuing a statement about it could help position your brand as a leader.

Utilise the full arsenal of your PR toolkit. It’s important to rely on your b2b tech PR team to continue pitching out product and company news and customer stories—even if it’s noisy, this is no time to go quiet. But it can’t stop there, contributed content, blogs, newsletters and virtual meetings with industry analysts are all important tactics to apply to be sure you’re getting messages out to your key audiences. Investing in these communication vehicles and crafting relevant content becomes even more critical in a crowded and distracted media environment.

Need help telling your story? Please contact TechComms, a b2b tech marketing and communications agency on + 44 (0) 203 322 8928.