TechComms MSP Masters: Strategies for Success Podcast – Elevating MSPs with UptimeLive

Welcome to another exciting episode of TechComms MSP Masters: Strategies for Success, the podcast designed to advance MSPs by exploring the latest tools, trends, and strategies that are shaping the future of the industry.

In this episode, we are thrilled to dive into an exclusive discussion about UptimeLive, an event crafted to provide MSPs with crucial insights to thrive in an increasingly competitive market. Listen to the podcast here.

UptimeLive is not your typical MSP event.

Unlike many for-profit industry events that offer the same speakers and regurgitated content, UptimeLive has been meticulously designed to address the real challenges MSPs face today. Whether you’re looking to scale your business or optimise your operations, this event is packed with expert-led sessions designed to equip you with actionable insights.

As the MSP landscape evolves, so too must the events that cater to them. According to Jason Kemsley, Director and Co-Founder of Uptime: “We’ve seen a gradual build-up of dissatisfaction with traditional events. Vendors were no longer getting the ROI they expected, and MSPs were tired of the sales pitches.” UptimeLive was conceived as a direct response to these frustrations, offering a not-for-profit model that prioritises value for attendees over corporate profit.

Why Attend UptimeLive?

If you’re an MSP looking to stay ahead of the competition, attending UptimeLive is an absolute must. Here’s why:

  • Tailored Content for MSPs

UptimeLive isn’t just a general IT event. Every session is carefully curated with MSPs in mind. From understanding new market trends to learning about advanced tools and strategies, this event covers every aspect of running a successful MSP.

  • Not-for-Profit Model

Unlike many corporate-led events, UptimeLive reinvests all of its funding back into the event, meaning attendees get more value. The focus is purely on delivering quality content and networking opportunities that benefit MSPs.

  • Industry-Leading Speakers

One of the standout features of UptimeLive is its diverse range of speakers. Instead of relying on the same voices, UptimeLive brings in outside experts who are leaders in their fields. These speakers offer fresh perspectives on topics like cybersecurity, business frameworks, and compliance, pushing the boundaries of what’s possible for MSPs.

  • Actionable Takeaways

The goal of UptimeLive is to ensure that every attendee leaves with actionable insights they can implement in their business. Whether you’re looking to grow, streamline your operations, or pivot into a new vertical, this event provides the tools and strategies you need.

  • Addressing the Real Issues MSPs Face

MSPs today are at a crossroads. Many find themselves in an industry that is expanding at an unprecedented rate, but growth is uneven, and challenges abound. For every MSP enjoying exponential growth, there are others struggling to keep up. This disparity is often caused by outdated business models, insufficient marketing strategies, and failure to adapt to new technologies.

According to Bradley Munday, Uptime CEO, one of the primary goals of UptimeLive is to help MSPs identify their place in this evolving landscape. “It’s about understanding where you want to play in the space,” Bradley explains. “You’re no less of a business owner if you choose to run a smaller, lifestyle business. UptimeLive helps MSPs figure out what they want to achieve and how to get there.”

UptimeLive also recognises that many MSPs feel pressure to grow for growth’s sake. But, as Bradley points out, not every MSP needs to chase explosive growth. Some are content to remain smaller, offering niche services to a highly targeted customer base. UptimeLive provides the tools and insights to help these MSPs excel, without feeling pressured to conform to an industry-wide growth narrative.

Don’t Miss UptimeLive!

For MSPs looking to level up, UptimeLive is the event you don’t want to miss. Whether you’re just starting or are a seasoned player in the industry, UptimeLive provides the tools, insights, and networking opportunities to drive your business forward.

Join us at UptimeLive, connect with industry leaders, and take away the strategies that will set your MSP apart from the competition. As Jason Kemsley aptly put it, “This event is about creating better businesspeople. We want MSPs to leave with fresh ideas and strategies to differentiate themselves from the pack.”

Ready to elevate your MSP? Visit for more information and to secure your spot.

If you’re looking to maximise your event ROI, contact TechComms on We can help you develop an events strategy that supports your b2b pr goals.