Make a great impression: Maximise your event presence with in-person meetings

In-person events have been making a steady comeback in the past two years and slowly returning to pre-2020 levels of attendance. While events may never be the same, with virtual and hybrid options now standard, here at TechComms we know one thing for sure: pre-arranged in-person meetings with media and industry analysts at an event is an unmatched opportunity to network and build long-term relationships. Don’t just take our word for it: According to a 2024 industry report from Freeman, 81% of attendees are most interested in networking with experts at events while 68% enjoy meeting new contacts.

We are big advocates for face-to-face, in-person interviews that allow for our clients to engage with media, analysts, and influencers in a setting outside the typical office environment. We find people to be in a more receptive, open mindset and generally in a better mood due to the event setting, networking opportunities, and edutainment on hand. This all bodes well for establishing yourself as a thought leader while making a key connection for your brand. In fact, according to Bizzabo, an event management software company, close to 70% of attendees consider in-person B2B conferences the best opportunity to learn about new products or services. So, let’s get some meetings scheduled for you!

How TechComms can help with setting up in-person meetings

We have a proven process for making media and industry analyst meetings at an event a success. We work with you to determine what announcements your company will be making at the event, identify the right contacts for you to meet with and start reaching out to press and analyst contacts to set up briefing times at the event.  Prior to the event, we will provide your company with an interview schedule and briefing book. The briefing book provides background information about the contact you’ll be meeting with along with talking points for making the most of your meeting time.

We regularly attend these events with our clients and sit in on briefings. We take care of any follow-up that is required and make sure the meetings happen on time. For example, we’re attending DTX  London this week (Wednesday, 2 October and Thursday, 3 October) to ensure our clients’ meetings with press and analysts go well. Look for #Kaseya who have sponsored the Channel Lounge on the show floor. We hope to see you there!

We can help you develop an events strategy that supports your B2B PR goals and secure those key meetings you need to establish your brand as a thought leader. Contact us on