How to use b2b tech PR to build stronger customer relationships 

PR often gets pigeonholed into being one thing—media. Whilst it’s true our primary focus centres around earned media to build top of the funnel awareness and credibility for a company, PR’s influence can extend across every part of the customer journey.

So, put us to work helping your marketing team develop compelling content and stories to build customer engagement. Truly your customers and partners are the best brand advocates you have. PR can help nurture these relationships and turn your customers and partners into media stars.

With a simple introduction via email or over the phone, we can conduct interviews for customer success stories, get quotes to be used in PR and marketing content or invite customers to participate in media interviews.

The customer success story is the holy grail. And it’s more than just marketing content to live on a page on your website. Your b2b tech PR team can craft an entire media campaign around it. Your sales team can use it to build credibility with prospects. Your own customers will use it as a way to feel more confident about partnering with you or using your solutions.

To build stronger customer relationships, consider letting your b2b tech PR team drive your customer success story programme. Let us take the lead on conducting customer interviews and outlining the content to highlight in the written case study. Working closely with your marketing team, we can make sure that the content will resonate with a media audience and also serve its marketing purpose.

Customers and prospects benefit from seeing other customer stories prominently featured in the media and across social channels. They want to know they’re in good company and that they can trust they’re working with the best in the business. They learn from other people’s experiences with your team and your products. Sharing these stories is an essential component of any thought leadership programme. Your audiences want to hear from peers not just your company spokespeople. When PR is able to focus its efforts around telling your customer stories, you make a human, relatable connection that goes beyond buzzwords and jargon. Your customers benefit from getting real-world reviews and feedback about how you are to work with and what you can do to help their business.

Giving your b2b tech PR team access to customers is the best way to build more meaningful relationships with existing customers and potential customers. Many times, we are able to get more candid feedback and pass it along to the right people to solve a customer’s issue or highlight what a team inside your organisation is excelling at when it comes to delighting a customer. This information can all be used to help you ensure you’re delivering an exceptional customer experience.

We’d love to help uncover your customer stories. Please contact TechComms, a b2b tech marketing and communications agency on + 44 (0) 203 322 8928.